Social Distancing Survival Kit
What To Watch, Listen To, & Do while you’re couped up!
A few hours away from drawing a face on your volleyball and befriending it? We got you.
Remember parties? Remember going to bars with friends? Remember chatting with your neighbor from less than 6 feet away? Nope me neither, it’s been too long. Okay, so maybe this isn’t how any of us imagined spending our spring. The weather is finally nice and the sun is shining and yet now is the time the universe decided to call our collective bluff on all those jokes we made about “getting excited when someone cancelled plans so we could stay home on our couches.” Like it or not, we’re here for a while. We’ve created an extensive list of things to watch, listen to, and do during this time! We hope it helps, but I want to encourage you to be gentle with yourself and not try to force yourself to be productive during this time. You’re allowed to feel down and unmotivated, and it’s not your job to make the most of a pandemic. That being said here are some things the PCS family really enjoys and we wanted to share them with you!
Okay, you've probably already binged this, but on the off chance you haven't, now is a perfect time! You can experience some catharsis as you watch people stuck in pods for hours on end not able to be in the same room as those they're building connections with. This show is one of the more dramatic things on television right now, and if you're going a little crazy at home, and are tired of trying to start arguments with your dog just to feel something, then maybe other people's drama is what you need!
Now in its 7th season, Brooklyn 99 is, dare I say funnier than ever?? Look, things are uncertain and scary, and sometimes when we're anxious, we tend to try to take in news and information at a higher rate. The problem with this is that obsessively checking on the situation doesn't make the information come any faster. Yes, things are changing quickly, and it's important to be informed on the latest safety information. Still, anything beyond that will only cause you to panic and feel anxious and unable to relax at all. So it's time to take a break from refreshing that page online and watch something so funny and sweet that you'll forget your troubles (for at least 30 minutes).
The first season of this show was unlike anything I had seen before. On a sunny day at the beach, a grizzly murder takes place in front of everyone. Cora Tannnetti has just stabbed a stranger multiple times and has no idea why. A detective steps in to help unravel the mystery of motive and ooh boy it's a big one! Now they're back with a new season. This time we meet a young boy who seems to have murdered his parents on a pleasant morning during their vacation. This story takes us into a town haunted by dark secrets, and a deep cult history. Our detective is back again to throw himself in the middle of it all and folks this one gets creepy, but it's a watch in one day type of thriller!
Ah, what can I say about our pals on Schitt's Creek? This is a funny feel-good show about a family who has to make the best of a tough situation. Maybe a woman with a wig wall and a flair for the dramatic is exactly the hero we need right now! Okay, let's try a breathing exercise inspired by our favorite dysfunctional but loving family: Let's inhale for 4, and we'll all let out an "ew David!" on the exhale. Ready go. Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4, and an open mouth exhale EW DAVID. There that feels better now, doesn't it?
Have you ever seen a reality competition show where the contestants help each other? Where they cry when someone else is eliminated?? Where they report becoming lifelong friends and taking "holiday" together for years after their season ends?? No, you haven't. Unless you were watching The Great British Baking Show. If wholesome is what you need during this time, then TGBBS is your new best friend.
This podcast is as crazy as they come! This podcast details the life of John Meehan, a smooth-talker who romances women under false pretenses. He appears to be charming, successful, and sweet, but just under the surface is explosive anger and So. Many. Secrets. I don't want to ruin it for you, so I'm not going to say anymore, but you're in for a wild ride and an ending that will shock your socks off!
I just started the first episode of this podcast, and already I'm hooked! American Scandal dives into some of our country's biggest scandals and looks at how these things happened and what drove people to lie and break the rules.
If you're an office fan, but you've already watched every episode 10 times, this is the podcast for you! Jenna Fisher, and Angela Kinsey (pam & angela) tv show adversaries and real-life best friends break down every episode of The Office and give behind the scenes details only cast members have been privy to. It's an insider look at the beloved show that has brought so many of us through sicknesses, breakups, and any event that left us running for the comfort of our couches.
Conan needs a friend, and honestly, who doesn't? In this podcast, Conan invites his pals to sit down with him for an hour-long chat. It's funny, it's raw, it's silly, and it makes you feel like you're just hanging out in the living room with a couple of old friends.
Ted talks daily are short easy listens ranging from about 5-20 minutes. It's a quick path to feeling like the most informed person in the room (especially during quarantine). But really, if we're stuck inside, we might as well learn a thing or two.
It's good to keep moving during this time. A few minutes of dancing, yoga, or stretching can help you feel like your old self and keep you in good shape for when you're able to rejoin your gym friends or get back into marathons or whatever it is you do! If you're not totally quarantined, you can still get outside for a nice walk or a run. Enjoy that spring weather, and remember to breathe!
We've all got a junk drawer, (or in my case two junk drawers and a junk closet) what better time to tackle a bit of an organizational project than right now? It's spring cleaning time anyway. You'll emerge from these weeks indoors with an "everything has its place" type house, and that'll be one less thing hanging over your head when usual work/life craziness resumes. Trust me, future you will thank you if you take this opportunity to get some things off that "I'll get to it eventually list"!
Phones are great, and social media has been a great way to stay informed and check in on how friends are feeling and doing, but I noticed that the past few days, I've been feeling anxious before bed and not able to fall asleep quickly. I checked the dreaded screen time, and sure enough, I'd been on my phone more than usual. Of course, that's normal when you're not leaving the house at all, but I think taking in too much information is an easy way to get anxious. There has to be a good balance, so I've been working hard to reduce my phone use, and already, I feel a lot better. I still check in with friends and see what's going on, but then I set up "downtime" (on the iPhone) from about 5-9 pm, and it's done wonders for my well being. Plus, if you're not bored enough, you really won't be inspired to pick up a craft or read or get things done.
Maybe you have a Pinterest board full of crafts you've never tried, or you've always wanted to knit a hat, or you've thought, "if only I had more time I would paint," now is your time! Get crazy with it. Make something out of clay, learn to crochet, draw for the fun of it, try a new instrument, get online and take a Spanish class, try some new things in photoshop, sew something, cut your own hair! (okay maybe not that last one yet), but you get the idea. I know personally I have a list about a mile long of creative things I'd like to try one day, and now is such a good time to start. There's no one around to see if you make a mistake, you don't have to share it with anyone, and who knows you might find your new favorite hobby!
Sometimes with so many options for things to do, it can get overwhelming, and you can feel like you have to be doing something at all times like there is pressure to create art or write someone a letter, but that's no fun! So listen, if you're a little bummed, or you're just not feeling it, allow yourself to lay around! If you want to spend your days watching tv, that's okay! It's better to watch shows and enjoy it, then to force yourself to "make art" and feel terrible the whole time. There's no right way to do this thing, and this is uncharted territory, so I'd encourage you to take it easy on yourself. Take the advice that serves you, and let go of the rest. There will not be any award ceremony after this is over giving out medals for whoever "accomplished the most during quarantine" or "made the best art," so chill if that's what you need.