Custom Kitchen Island Install!

Now that we have the shop up and running in North Carolina, things are picking up! This past week we went down to Florida to install a kitchen island, fireplace feature, and a farmhouse sink! It was busy but so rewarding to see the pieces make it to their new homes. We loved each piece from this round of installs and wanted to highlight the kitchen island!

For the island, our client wanted a mix of terrazzo and some special seashells they provided! We always love when a piece can be infused with something personal, so this was right up our alley! We got to work designing, templating, and placing the shells and terrazzo thoughtfully. Take a look at the process and the finished product below!

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It was so much fun getting to create something totally custom and unique for our client, and we love how the piece turned out! What do you think?


Things we're loving: May Edition!


Spring Sipping: Elderflower Old Fashioned