Easy Mini Home Makeovers For 2021

The new year always gets us thinking about upgrades and updates! Sometimes the spirit is willing, but the wallet it weak. If that’a the case, we’re here to help with a few mini home makeovers you can do for cheap!

  1. paint your cabinets

Photo via Kayla Payne

Photo via Kayla Payne

Painting your cabinets can totally transform your space without a ton of time or money. This is seriously one of the best things you can do for your kitchen or bathroom on a budget. The 2021 color of the year was announced as ‘Ultimate Gray’ and could make for some pretty chic cabinets!

2. Change up the hardware on dressers, cabinets, and drawers.


A quick hardware change can make a world of difference. Its one of those changes you don’t realize you need to make until you do and then you can’t understand why you waited so long! Here is a hardware look we love.

3. Get a real mirror!

image via West Elm

image via West Elm

I have been living like a college kid with an over the door mirror hanger for so long. I didn’t really give the mirror any thought because in my mind this was a purely functional necessity. But recently i’ve noticed how a good floor mirror can tie an entire room together! Get an awesome vintage floor mirror and watch how it transforms you space.

4. Change out light fixtures


It’s so easy to overlook light fixtures! Many of us just move into a place and accept whatever light fixtures were there on our arrival. A new light fixture can make a big difference! Don’t believe us? check out this side by side.

5. Add an accent wall

image via Etsy

image via Etsy

Use peel an stick wallpaper to add an awesome accent wall in your office or bedroom. This instantly updates the look of any room and won’t break the bank at all!


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