Farm & Haus

We created the terrazzo piece of our dreams for local designer Melissa Grace Designs!

When Melissa Grace Designs comes to you with a project in mind, you know you’re in for a treat! Melissa is such a joy to work with, and bringing her creative vision to fruition is always such a blast. So when she came to us about creating a piece for Farm & Haus (a healthy, delicious counter-serve eatery in East End market), we jumped right on board. 


We knew this custom terrazzo piece needed to be totally unique, so we set out to planning and carefully placing each glass chip in precisely the right place. Even before the concrete was prepped, we were falling in love with the colors in this piece!


The first few steps in the process were, well messy, but we couldn’t wait to keep working and watch this beautiful piece emerge from the mess.


It wasn’t long before the piece began to take shape!


We love the design so much and were so excited with how the piece turned out! The only thing left to do was install, and step back and marvel at another great collaboration with Melissa Grace Designs! (Proud to be the Clint to your Joanna, Melissa!!)


You can go visit our piece at Farm and Haus and pick up some wonderful food while you’re there! Pretty sure terrazzo is our new favorite thing, what do you think?


Terrazzo: Trend or Timeless?


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