Need Weekend Plans?

4 things to watch, read, do, and sip this weekend!

Every winter when the days begin to grow shorter and colder, there always seems to be less and less to do. shows take a break, work slows down, and with it getting dark around 430 or 5pm, it gets harder and harder to motivate yourself to do things. If you’re feeling that winter slump too, here are a few things you can do that are already detailed out for you!

Watch: The Undoing


If you haven’t watched this yet, you are in for the ride of your life! This show has it all. Suspense, mystery, romance, and a good old fashioned who done it! Run, don’t walk to your tv. You won’t be able to think about anything else until you get to the end!

Read: Homegoing


I just finished this book and it was incredible! This story follows two half sisters who are born into different villages, but do not know about each other. “One will marry an Englishman and lead a life of comfort in the palatial rooms of the Cape Coast Castle. The other will be captured in a raid on her village, imprisoned in the very same castle, and sold into slavery.” This one is a must read!

Do: Diy Hairpin Coffee Table


I recently saw a post on Instagram where a girl recreated a $900 hairpin leg coffee table for just $50! Her table looked even cuter than the original design for a fraction of the cost. We found a similar tutorial we’re itching to try out! You could also choose a different piece of wood to create a bigger table. Want to try it out?

Sip: Mulled Wine

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There’s nothing like mulled wine at Christmas time! Here’s an easy recipe to make a batch. It’s time to pick out a cheesy holiday movie, settle in with some mulled wine and relax for a night!


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