Our Philosophy of Craftsmanship


When I first started in the concrete business, I was new to the whole industry. I ran my business the way I had seen other small business owners model it. That looked a lot like frantically accepting every job, overextending myself, not hiring help, and basically running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to meet impossible deadlines. I was stuck in a constant loop of stress, hurry, and urgency. 

A lot has changed since I first took over Price Concrete Studio, including my philosophy on craftsmanship and how to run my business in a way that truly puts family first and prioritizes rest and mental health. I learned running my business in stress and urgency that more projects don’t always translate to more success, and you can end up burning yourself out while spinning your wheels, not progressing in your business. After doing that dance for a while, I knew something had to change. It was time to slow down and reevaluate how I was running the show. It feels incredibly risky and scary to slow down. It feels at first like you might upset all your clients, or everything will just fall apart. I learned that that couldn’t be further from the truth. After some introspection, I knew our company values needed to be more defined, and we needed to start taking them seriously. We developed the following values for Price Concrete Studio: 

Family first

Quality is everything

No compromises

No urgency

I would love to share what they mean to me and all of us in the Price Concrete Studio family. 

1. Family First. 

It’s easy to say, but it can be so tough not to overcommit and end up burning that midnight oil at the expense of quality time with family. Family is my number one priority, and I refuse to miss out on seeing my boys grow up just to push a few more projects out the door. I believe in hard work and will always roll up my sleeves and put in the extra time when the situation really calls for it, but more often than not, the urgency I felt was self-inflicted. Some pieces can and will have to wait. Quality work takes time and focus. I’ve found I do my best work when I have clear boundaries about my time and my “on hours” and stick to them. I do my best work when I feel fulfilled and present. I can only be truly present when I’m able to be fully there for my family and when I’m putting their needs first. 

2. Quality is everything. 

Concrete is a luxury product. It’s an art. Concrete pieces last for decades, and they are an investment in every way. They require a financial investment, yes, but they also require a time investment. Good work takes time. Think of concrete work like barrel-aged bourbon or slow-cooked brisket! It’s best when it isn’t rushed or forced. 

3. No compromises. 

We will never compromise quality for expediency. We do our best to get pieces out in a timely manner, but we will not cut corners or let urgency run our lives or our business. Concrete is a material like no other. The pieces you can create from it are unparalleled. I want to serve the craft the best I can by giving every piece everything I’ve got. As a company, we refuse to be bullied by hurry. We refuse to make compromises in our craft. 

4. No Urgency. 

I recently read this wonderful book called “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” in the book, the author says this “Our time is our life, and our attention is the doorway to our hearts.” I have come to know in my heart that my time is my life and how I spend it matters. If I spend my time stressed, scrambling to satisfy every whim, and endlessly rushing around, I cannot be the person I want to be. And if “attention is the doorway to our hearts,” then I want to give my attention to the right things. I want to give my attention to my family, my wife, and our incredible boys. To my craft, honoring it by slowing down and doing it exceptionally, and to my community by being fully present and attentive. 

It’s time for less hustle and more soul. Less hurry, and more family time. Less urgency and more handcrafted pieces that will be treasured for decades to come. 

We think of our studio not as a high-volume production house but more like a concrete distillery. Giving every piece the time, attention to detail, and dedication to the craft it needs to be exceptional. 


Caleb Lawson & the Price Concrete Studio Family


3 Valentine's Day Ideas!


In The Studio