5 Details That Can Make Or Break A Kitchen Design

We shared 5 details that can make or break a bathroom design, but now it’s the kitchen’s turn!

  1. The cabinets!

image via createcutivate.com

image via createcutivate.com

A quick paint job can change your entire kitchen without breaking the bank. A couple coats of paint, some new drawer hardware, and wallah, you’ve got a brand new kitchen. It can be a little time consuming and tedious to take the cabinet doors off and everything out of them and find a good time to render your kitchen unusable for a few days, but all-in-all a pretty worthwhile result from a weekend project

2. The Lighting

Photo by My Domain

Photo by My Domain

Photo by Joss & Main

Photo by Joss & Main

Bad lighting or ugly fixtures can put a damper on your kitchen design. Excellent light fixtures don’t have to be expensive, and they can easily elevate your space. Lighting is one of those things you really notice if it’s terrible, and when it’s good, it blends in creating a kitchen dreamscape.

3. The countertops

Counters by us :)

Counters by us :)

Counters by us :)

Counters by us :)

photo by ikea

photo by ikea

You already know we have to mention countertops. Of course, we’re big fans of the concrete countertop, but even if you don’t go the concrete route (GASP), countertops should not be overlooked. A beautiful countertop can make a kitchen design. If you can only change one thing in your kitchen and want to get the most bang for your buck, countertops are where you should put that dough.

4. Flooring

Photo by Clé Tile

Photo by Clé Tile

Photo by Cedar & Moss

Photo by Cedar & Moss

Anyone who has had the distinct pleasure of renting a place with linoleum floors, or even better fake sticky wood flooring in your kitchen that begins to peel up when your elderly dog loses bladder control and decides it’s her personal bathroom, knows how crucial good flooring is. Hey, we get it, re-flooring can be pricey and kind of pain, but if you’re in a position to renovate, spend a little time on the flooring. It’s one of those things that’s easy to overlook but is definitely worth paying a little extra attention to.

5. storage

Photo by schoolhouse.com

Photo by schoolhouse.com

photo by slavetodiy.com

photo by slavetodiy.com

Open shelving in the kitchen is super popular right now, and it makes total sense. I mean, look at it! The left photo is practically begging to be Instagrammed, blogged, pinned, and admired. But, to have that dreamy open shelf, “all our things are super cute and always very tidy and did we mention our plants never die” kind of look, you have to have storage somewhere for the kitchen items that aren’t so cute.

Hopefully, we’ve helped get the kitchen design juices flowing a little bit! If you need new countertops, don’t hesitate to drop a line! Any color, any style, and day of the week, we’ve got you covered.


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