Our Fall Gin & Tonic

Is it too soon for a fall inspired cocktail? We think not!

We wouldn't typically start up all the fall fanfare this early, but this summer has been unusual, to say the least, and we thought maybe a little fall spirit would help with the pandemic summer blues. We experimented a little and came up with this delightful little fall g&t. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

The Ingredients

Okay so the ingredients may seem a little out there, but trust us on this one!

The recipe

Red Beige Pizza Simple Recipe Pinterest Graphic.png

Once you’ve gathered the ingredients (some are a little uncommon, so we’ve added some links to the ingredient images) the recipe is pretty simple. Just mix the ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake, serve in a chilled glass, and garnish!


We had Hendrick's Orbium on hand, but feel free to use your preferred gin for this drink! The Orbium version of Hendrick's is "instilled with additional extracts of Quinine, Wormwood and Lotus Blossom," giving it a few extra flavor profiles. We love the way this unlikely combination mixed with the drink!

There you have it! One fall inspired G&T coming right up! What do you think?


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